Thursday, April 28, 2011

Back in NH & the JHOLE vid

A couple of days ago I found myself midway up Cannon Mountain in Franconia, NH with my friend Chris. It was raining, getting dark, and patchy - the resort had been closed for over a week and dirt patches were the majority. The scenery was impressive though; the resort is tucked away in Franconia Notch with rocky, wrapping, misty, steep terrain bottlenecking route 93 in the background. Someone had built a small, waist high booter, which had surprising pop for my final method. That method, besides a future trip to Tuck's, would end an epic season which had begun far across the continent in Jackson, WY. But, the season at Jackson will be eternal in the fact it changed me as a rider. I enjoyed the turns down Cannon that afternoon, and I still want more.

Here is the vid from this season at JHole.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that avy you set off went all the down to the park and burried a skinny-jean, too tall jibber doing a crooked 50/50. You rose the bar this year, sick dude!


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SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not read Board of America during pregnancy because of risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of Board of America impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause the reader to gain a new perspective. Watching TV is the only known cure for Board of America.